The list of scientific journals in legal disciplines listed in the MIC list:
- "Boy and Time" magazine;
- "Right and duty" magazine;
- "Justice__Правосудие " magazine;
- "International relations" magazine;
- "Democratization and human rights - Демократизatsiя и права человека " magazine;
- "Society and Administration - Общество и управление” журнали;" magazine;
- "Social opinion. Human rights - Общественное мнение. Права человека__ Public opinion. Human rights" magazine;
- "Uzbek law review Обзор законодательства Узбекистана’’ magazine;
- "Newsletter of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan" magazine;
- "Newsletter of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan" magazine;
- "Philosophy and law - Философия и права - Philosophy & Law" magazine;
- "Civil society - Гражданское общество ¬- Civil society" magazine;
- "Jurisprudence" magazine;
- " Advokat " magazine;
- Scientific collection of scientists of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan;
- "Journal of Law Research __ Правовые исследования " magazine;
- "Journal of legal sciences - Вестник юридических наук - Review of law sciences" magazine;
- "Justice Criterion" magazine;
- Scientific section of the official website of the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan (electronic journal);
- "Lawyer newsletter - Vestnik yurista - Lawyer herald" magazine;
- "System studies / Sistemnie issledovaniya / System studies" magazine;
- "Public Security" magazine;
- "Investigative practice" magazine;
- Journal "Forensics of Uzbekistan";
- "Uzbekistan customs bulletin" magazine;
- "" - electronic magazine;
- Electronic magazine "Science and education in Karakalpakstan - Science and education in Karakalpakstan - Nauka i obrazovanie v Karakalpakstane - Science and education in Karakalpakstan".
- "Legal world" - "Pravovy mir" - "Legal world" magazine;
- "Investigator of Uzbekistan" magazine;
- Magazine "Newsletter of the Training Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan";
- Journal "Criminology and Criminal Justice";
- "TSUL Legal Report" magazine;
- Journal of "Parliamentary Studies Newsletter" (Legislative Issues Newsletter);
- Scientific and technical journal of "Information security" newsletter;
- "YANGI UZBEKISTAN" and " Правда Востока " newspapers Science section (electronic scientific magazine of science).
The list of scientific journals in the field of sociology listed in the MIC list:
- "History of Uzbekistan" magazine;
- Journal "Social Sciences in Uzbekistan";
- "Samarkand State University Scientific Research Newsletter" magazine;
- "Democratization and human rights - Демократизatsiя и права человека " magazine;
- "Society and Administration - Obshchestvo i upravlenie " magazine;
- "Social opinion. Human rights - Общество и управление – Public opinion. Human rights" magazine;
- "News of the National University of Uzbekistan" magazine;
- "Philosophy and law -Философия и права - Philosophy & Law" magazine;
- "Civil society - Гражданское общество - Civil society" magazine;
- "Current problems of modern science, education and training (Current problems of modern science, education and training in the region)" (Electronic scientific collection) Urganch;
- "Scientific collection of scientists of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan" Nukus;
- "" electronic magazine;
- "Society, Gender and Family in Central Asia - Общество, гендер и семья в Центральной Азии - Society, Gender and Family in Central Asia" magazine;
- Electronic journal "Journal of Social Studies - Журнал социальных исследований - Journal of Social Studies";
- "UzBridge" information-analytical electronic magazine;
- "Science and Education in Karakalpakstan" magazine;
- "Sociology and Law" magazine;
- "YANGI UZBEKISTAN" and " Правда Востока " newspapers Science section (electronic scientific magazine of science).