State policy in the field of human rights

Over the years of independence, the principles and main directions of the state policy of Uzbekistan in the field of protecting human rights and freedoms have been formed, in particular:

firstly, adherence to universally recognized ideas and values of democracy and human rights, as well as international obligations in the field of human rights;

secondly, the priority of national interests, based on the formation of a strong legal statehood and a fair civil society;

thirdly, the priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of society and the state, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

fourthly, the principle of phasing is an essential component of the reform and modernization of the state and society;

fifthly, the principle of openness and transparency, which means that the discussion and solution of all problems in this area is carried out in dialogue with the people, with all civil society institutions, as well as with international partners.

Guided by these principles, Uzbekistan has implemented large-scale implementation of international standards in the field of human rights in society, the consciousness of citizens and civil servants.

Public policy includes the following elements:

- Human rights law;

- Constitution and human rights;

- Implementation of international human rights instruments in national legislation;

- National Human Rights Institutions;

- Outreach and Human Rights Education;

- Institutions of civil society and human rights;

- International cooperation on human rights.

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