UN supports consultations of Uzbekistan authorities with civil society on human rights recommendations

On 2 February 2023, the UN Human Rights Office in Central Asia (OHCHR) in cooperation with the National Human Rights Center (NHRC) and international non-governmental organization UPR.INFO held national consultations to discuss recommendations provided to Uzbekistan within the fourth universal periodic review (UPR) cycle.

In November last year, as a result of the review of its national report by the United Nations Human Rights Council’s UPR Working Group, Uzbekistan received 234 recommendations. The consultations provided an opportunity for representatives of civil society organizations to advocate for the acceptance of recommendations which cover diverse human rights issues as well as to provide suggestions regarding measures to be taken to implement those recommendations effectively.


Prof. Akmal Saidov, the Director of the NHRC underlined that “We plan to analyze in detail all recommendations received within the fourth UPR cycle through consultations with the Parliament, Government, NHRI and civil society organizations in order to identify priority thematic areas within the received recommendations. As a result of national consultations, the Government will formulate its position on each recommendation. We intend to develop a “roadmap” in the form of a UPR national action plan”.

Ms Consuelo Vidal Bruce, UN Resident Coordinator a.i. in Uzbekistan commended the NHRC for initiating the consultations. She stressed that “Civil society is an important player in the UPR process and its members have wise advice and experience that needs to be taken into account”.


The event was attended by more than 60 representatives of Government, Parliament, the Ombudsman Office, civil society organizations as well as UN agencies.

United Nations in Uzbekistan

  • Added: 05.02.2024
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